Dragon Ball Super

Seven years after the events of Dragon Ball Z, Earth is at peace, and its people live free from any dangers lurking in the universe. However, this peace is short-lived; a sleeping evil awakens in the dark reaches of the galaxy: Beerus, the ruthless God of Destruction. Disturbed by a prophecy that he will be defeated by a "Super Saiyan God," Beerus and his angelic attendant Whis start searching the universe for this mysterious being. Before long, they reach Earth where they encounter SON-Goku, one of the planet's mightiest warriors, and his similarly powerful friends. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
AniWave is the best site to watch Dragon Ball Super SUB online, or you can even watch Dragon Ball Super DUB in HD quality. You can also find Toei Animation anime on AniWave website.
Seven years after the events of Dragon Ball Z, Earth is at peace, and its people live free from any dangers lurking in the universe. However, this peace is short-lived; a sleeping evil awakens in the dark reaches of the galaxy: Beerus, the ruthless God of Destruction. Disturbed by a prophecy that he will be defeated by a "Super Saiyan God," Beerus and his angelic attendant Whis start searching the universe for this mysterious being. Before long, they reach Earth where they encounter SON-Goku, one of the planet's mightiest warriors, and his similarly powerful friends. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Synonyms:Dragon Ball Chou, DB Super, DBS
Aired:Jul 5, 2015 to Mar 25, 2018
Premiered:Summer 2015
Status:Finished Airing
MAL Score:7.46
AniWave is the best site to watch Dragon Ball Super SUB online, or you can even watch Dragon Ball Super DUB in HD quality. You can also find Toei Animation anime on AniWave website.

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